Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on 2nd Amendment Rights

Gun Control Versus Your 2nd Amendment Rights: The Truth. A Review of the Literature Since the beginning of America built on this country’s foundation the people have found it necessary to be able to keep and bear arms. This freedom, this guaranteed right in our Constitution became an amendment to our freedoms. The second amendment was one in pack of the first 10 amendments known as The Bill of Rights, passed by congress in September 25, 1789. The second amendment states that â€Å"For their protection and for purposes of having a well trained militia the people of the states may keep and bear (own) arms (weapons), but the federal government or the state governments may pass laws against owning certain weapons and the way others may be used†. (Cullop, 1999, p.64) This research will use the following questions to determine answers from various sources. 1.Do Guns cause more crime? 2.Does the media tell all of the truth about guns or only what makes news, and how much influence does the media have on Americans’ perception of guns? 3.What is the ultimate goal of Anti-Gun supporters’, working through courts, lies, and international treaties? 4.If banning guns is the answer to the problem, why have Britain, Australia, and Canada’s ban failed so horrendously to reduce crime. 5.Is the Second Amendment outdated, or is it America’s and it’s people’s best defense? This review of literature on Second Amendment rights versus Gun control will focus on these five questions. Do More Guns Cause More Crime or Less? In a very influential and well-researched book, Lott (1998) pointed out the con... Free Essays on 2nd Amendment Rights Free Essays on 2nd Amendment Rights Gun Control Versus Your 2nd Amendment Rights: The Truth. A Review of the Literature Since the beginning of America built on this country’s foundation the people have found it necessary to be able to keep and bear arms. This freedom, this guaranteed right in our Constitution became an amendment to our freedoms. The second amendment was one in pack of the first 10 amendments known as The Bill of Rights, passed by congress in September 25, 1789. The second amendment states that â€Å"For their protection and for purposes of having a well trained militia the people of the states may keep and bear (own) arms (weapons), but the federal government or the state governments may pass laws against owning certain weapons and the way others may be used†. (Cullop, 1999, p.64) This research will use the following questions to determine answers from various sources. 1. Do Guns cause more crime? 2. Does the media tell all of the truth about guns or only what makes news, and how much influence does the media have on Americans’ perception of guns? 3. What is the ultimate goal of Anti-Gun supporters’, working through courts, lies, and international treaties? 4. If banning guns is the answer to the problem, why have Britain, Australia, and Canada’s ban failed so horrendously to reduce crime. 5. Is the Second Amendment outdated, or is it America’s and it’s people’s best defense? This review of literature on Second Amendment rights versus Gun control will focus on these five questions. Do More Guns Cause More Crime or Less? In a very influential and well-researched book, Lott (1998) pointed out the con...

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